Sack Clocktower01 Bw

Timeline – Principals

Rev. Fr. Felice Zoppi da Cannobio - a Solitary Franciscan who worked in Sri Lanka, and undertook missionary work in Kandy, for a short period about the middle of the 19th century, opened a school for boys which eventually grew into St. Anthony's College.

He is known to have opened a school for girls as well. He this has the distinction of being the father of Catholic education in Kandy and on that account has a place in the educational history of Sri Lanka.

Office Bearers for year 2019/20

1854 - 1856

Rev. Fr. Felice Zoppi O.S.F. (Founder)

1856 - 1869

Administrative Heads

  • M/s. Paul Poorey
  • F. Peiris
  • F. de Silva
  • K.A. Fernando
  • A. Staples
  • A.B. Geddes
  • O.D. Paul

Irish Christian Rev. Bros. John & Paul

1871 - 1872

Mr. W. Hopp (Administrative Head)


Mr. J. Jorden (Administrative Head)

1875 - 1876

Rev. Fr. D.H. Vanderstraaten O.S.B.

1876 - 1877

Rev. Fr. Paul Perera O.S.B.

1877 - 1879

Rev. Fr. D. Maurus Craner O.S.B. (First Old Boy Principal)

1880 - 1892

Mr. R.P. Jansz (Head Master)

1892 - 1898

Rev. Fr. D. Hilarion Leitan O.S.B.

1898 - 1906

Rev. Fr. D. Maurus Craner O.S.B.

1907 - 1914

Rev. Fr. D. Philip Caspersz O.S.B.

1915 - 1916

Rev. Fr. Basil Hyde O.S.B. (Old Boy. Founder of SACKOBA)

1916 - 1921

Rev. Fr. D. James Caspersz O.S.B.

1921 - 1943

Rev. Fr. D. Lawrence Hyde O.S.B. (Longest serving Principal of SACK)

1944 - 1957

Rev. Fr. D. Angelo Rosati O.S.B.

1957 - 1961

Rev. Fr. D. Hilarion Rudolph O.S.B.

1961 - 1967

Rev. Fr. D.I. Robinson O.S.B.

1968 - 1977

Rev. Fr. D. Aidan de Silva O.S.B. (Old Boy)

1977 - 1979

Rev. Fr. D. Lanfranc Amerasinghe O.S.B. (Old Boy. Longest serving Priest at SACK)

1979 - 1994

Rev. Fr. D. Stephen Abraham O.S.B.

1994 - 2006

Rev. Fr. D. Hilarion FernandoO.S.B.

2006 - 2013

Rev. Fr. Titus Rodrigo O.S.B. (Old Boy)

2013 - Now

Rev. Fr. Henry Wijerathna O.S.B.